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20021101 Chicago: PETER MAX stops by Border's Books &Music Michigan Avenue store to sign copies of his new art book.Renowned artist discusses and signs copies of The Art Of Peter MaxCaptured in a new collection by author Charles Riley II, Peter Max's art has been an integral part of contemporary American culture for more than three decades. Beginning in the 1960s, when his bold, bright paintings embodied the spirit of the times, up to the present day, his prolific output has inspired people in every corner of the world. Premier art institutions regularly exhibit solo shows of his work, and his trademark posters have achieved international popularity. From being named Official Artist of the Grammy Awards for five successive years to painting a Continental Airlines 777 plane, Max's projects always garner enormous media attention. Chicago's art savvy set snagged a book for an autograph and a few commented that the book had reproductions of the original MAX paintings perchased decades earlier at the now defunct Circle Gallery. If you took the CTA to school or work in the late 1960's or early 1970's,the busses and trains had mini MAX posters displayed which ended on the private walls as quick as they were put up.Photo: © 2002 Linda Matlow/Pix Int'l.